Grab a piece of paper and jot down the answers to these 4 questions (one short sentence each):
1. What do you do?
2. Why do you do what you do? (If you answered: to earn money, try again. If you get misty or giddy, you nailed it.)
3. Why do you think what you do is important? (Here it is a good idea to express your life philosophy. You may want to start your answer with: “I believe" or "I know…”)
4. What do you want your legacy to be? (Here you ask what ultimate, big problem do you want to have solved?)
Clients will recognize these questions (even if amended a little bit to work on you personally) as the second step in the brand huddle – right after defining your business opportunities.
OK, got your answers? Here’s the trick: String your answers together in the following order:
[Answer to #2] and knowing [Answer to #3] I, first name last name [Answer to #1] so/therefore/in order to [Answer to #4]
The paragraph you are about to review is not for public consumption. It is the core of who you are. The brand of YOU. I am hoping that during the most reflective time of the year, this little exercise will bring you some private clarity, joy and peace…and maybe even point toward a new direction closer to your heart.